I breathe in Oxygen,
Carbon-dioxide doesnt stay with me,
Guess that is just fair..
My life's an endless struggle,
My mind, a captivated bee,
My conscience is a constant sting,
My chances, I can't see any.
An existence where hope lingers on,
At the edge of the distant horizon,
When I try to Grab it,
Its just Gone..
Sunk with the Sun, Deep into the Sea,
I am left with nothing but misery.
I breathe in Failure,
Success doesnt stay with me,
Guess that is just fair ..
Hollow I am, useless I have become,
A ruin of the optimistic someone,
Invisibility is a top priority,
Now that I'm isolated from the entire society.
Im being hit by bullets,
Blood doesnt stay with me,
Guess that is just fair ..
Twenty-four years have I tolerated these winds,
Yet a century old I feel,
An antique in the modern world,
A failed Mage's Seal.